5 Quotes & Sayings By Neneh Cherry

The multi-talented Neneh Cherry is one of the most celebrated musicians of all time. She has released six critically acclaimed albums, has worked with the likes of Jay Z, Kanye West, and David Bowie, and has collaborated with artists including Jay-Z, Björk, and Damon Albarn. Her songs have appeared in countless films and television series, including The Beach Boys' Good Vibrations.

I have absorbed my life now. I am ready for my music to unfold. I know time flies, but before the end of this year, the album will be out. Even if it kills me. Neneh Cherry
When you lose a parent, you realize how vital they are to the foundation of your life. It's impossible to understand what it means until that curtain is pulled. You're an orphan. But then I think that life is kind of remarkable, and the thing that causes the biggest pain can also bring amazing energy. Neneh Cherry
I was on tour with Little Dragon with the Gorillaz. She's got an amazing voice and is a lovely girl. Her vibe is fresh pressed and harmless fun with a tinge of the dark side if you look in the right bits of the tunes. Neneh Cherry
Rip Rig & Panic was a milestone for me, and I've always been really thankful that I did that when I was 16. It saved me for when I suddenly became really successful later on. So even when my head's been spinning like a banshee, my feet still feel held down to the ground. Neneh Cherry